Saturday, November 8, 2008

An Occult Family

After speaking with my brother about our infamous uncle and sharing some of my latest discoveries concerning the Parisian Occult Elite, I have been inspired to look more closely at this phenomenon. Seeing a similar interest aflame in my brother's eyes stirs me deeply; to know that my obsession is meaningful to him and to my father is a great boon to my research. Having their support and excitement to push me forward, I cannot help but feel that this is a worthy mission, to reveal the Life of S.V. in some new fashion, to shed light on those dark corners hidden in secrecy. For discovering those lost links also illuminates some of my own family's hidden history, especially the Jewish heritage, which I did not discover until last year on Wikipedia. This is profoundly important to me, and sparks countless directions to choose from. Perhaps my ancestor's spirit has taken hold of me. I wonder what kind of ritualistic ceremonies and gatherings, secret events with the creative thinkers and progressive elite of Paris my uncle was involved with, influencing, and being influenced by. S.V. was a phsyical alchemist-while much of his work involved the human body, his philosophy was certainly of a mystic, spiritualistic alchemy of hermetic tradition that dates waaaay back. S.V.'s presence in Egypt must have made him an important voice in the Golden Dawn resurrection, with all the Theosophical influence of past lives and combinations of world religions, atlantis maya-egyptian theory, demons and angels, occult mythology. Serge's middle name was Abrahamovitch which implies that his family(and mine) are related to Abraham the first father of the Jewish people. My own inherently chronic wanderlust would imply that I have some gypsy jew in me and discovering more about this stirs me deeply.

Finding out about Louise Barbe's modeling contribution to the alchemical paintings of Julien Champagne aka Fulcanelli is also of great importance as it is direct evidence that S.V. was involved in that very same crowd of bohemian revolutionaries as Andre Breton, Picassso, and Dali among all the other greats. The 'new age' obsession with magic, tarot, numerology and astrology, has its modern roots in these Parisian times~ those who were combining mystic traditions, creating movements and high ritual groups.

I keep coming back to the whole 'monkey farm' thing and how creepy this really is, that s.v. had 1000s of monkeys to watch and experiment on. Right in his own backyard, he must have been drugging, dissecting, studying, grafting, amputating; as well as allowing the sacrificial beings to live in large cages in sub-tropical climes, carrying out peaceful lives until it was time to go under the slaves or worse, factories to feed the human machine, extend all our lives.

What can I do to address and redress this disturbing issue? I had a dream this summer when I was working in Alaska, in which I was residing at Chateau Grimaldi and walked through dark dungeons hearing screams and cries of pain, whether ghost or creature, mutated hybrid creatures, tortured sounds, horrible monstrosities buried on the grounds, bones and bones....whether this was some kind of past life reliving or a vision sent to me by my ancestor or what?! but it haunts me, the specter of that dream , the feeling in it, of being involved in a great horror with no escape, and knowing that there was some secret that directly related to me. Some force or spirit compels me to continue the online digging. I cannot stop, it is guiding me down strange pathways, and my hand is held, my mind is led...what I came away with in the dream was that a great deal of secrets await being unlocked and many of the keys to those doors have been hidden in my bones and are now rising to the surface of my consciousness due to my age, triggering memory, pastlives, future prophetic visions, and something in my bones and blood that S.V. somehow intended to come into the world in a timely fashion~there must be some great reason for all this to come out. There must be. what more can I do? i must continue.................................................................

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